You can expect to live longer in East Renfrewshire

Babies in East Renfrewshire can expect a longer life than those living in the rest of Scotland.Babies in East Renfrewshire can expect a longer life than those living in the rest of Scotland.
Babies in East Renfrewshire can expect a longer life than those living in the rest of Scotland.
People living in East Renfrewshire have the longest life expectancy in Scotland.

According to the latest statistics published by National Records of Scotland, baby boys born in Scotland are expected to live to 77.0 years, while girls should live to 81.1 on average.

However, people in East Renfrewshire can expect to live a bit longer – 80.5 years for males and 83.7 years for females.

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For both males and females, life expectancy is shortest in large urban areas. Glasgow has the lowest life expectancy in the country, with males living to 73.3 on average and females to 78.7.

The life expectancy gap between the 20 per cent most and least deprived areas of Scotland is 10.8 years for males and 7.9 years for females.