Whitelees Primary celebrates Roald Dahl Day

CUMBERNAULD. Whitelees Primary holding "Dahlicious" dress up day with fancy dress inspired by Roald Dahl books. 
Head teacher is Bea Hunter, dressed as Miss Trunchbull from Dahl's book, Matilda.CUMBERNAULD. Whitelees Primary holding "Dahlicious" dress up day with fancy dress inspired by Roald Dahl books. 
Head teacher is Bea Hunter, dressed as Miss Trunchbull from Dahl's book, Matilda.
CUMBERNAULD. Whitelees Primary holding "Dahlicious" dress up day with fancy dress inspired by Roald Dahl books. Head teacher is Bea Hunter, dressed as Miss Trunchbull from Dahl's book, Matilda.
Whitelees Primary School held a “Dahlicious” day of costume fun last week.

Thursday was Roald Dahl Day and pupils and staff showed their love of the great man’s books by impersonating his famous characters, from Mr Fox to Oompah Loompas.

Head teacher Bea Hunter dressed as her rather less benevolent counterpart Miss Trunchbull from Matilda.